ABSTRACT: This study investigated Teachers’ Characteristics and Academic Performance of Students in Business Studies. The three research questions were raised to guide the study and three hypotheses. Survey design was used for the study. Population of study is made of 4,800 students. Two hundred (200) students were randomly selected from the population and was used as sample size. The instruments used for data collection was called teachers’ characteristics and teaching academic performance of students questionnaire.
Teachers’ Characteristics and Academic Performance of Students in Business Studies
T-test analysis was use for easy computation of data. Result of the finding indicates that positive relationship exists between teachers characteristics and students academic performance. The study concluded that personality of the teacher including his cordial relationship with the students and concern for the personal problem greatly influences the students’ readiness to learn business studies. The following recommendations were made to enable the teachers inculcate and hold onto the desirable characteristics, and the achieving should be sincerely professionalized.
1.1 Background of the Study
Teaching is as old as human existence on earth. In this process, the teacher occupies a very vital position. Ekanem (2006) opined that he is an individual who influences another to acquire experience using available methodology. The teacher must therefore, see himself as an instrument of effecting immediate change in the behaviour of the learners. In order to enable the teacher fulfill his main function which is causing learning to take place in an individual, number of characteristics are expected of him. This is why there is a continuous emphasis in the professionalization of teaching. In general terms, Ekanem and Ekanem (2003) noted that as a specialist, the teacher must exhibit certain characteristics which foster the learning process. Such characteristics include concern for the welfare of the learners, commitment to the attainment of educational goals, having a sense of humor and ability to maintain a disciplinary disposition Lassa (1999).
The basis for the above argument is that as students continuously look up to the teachers manifest and possess certain characteristics which would encourage the students to learn from his ideas both within and outside the classroom situation.
Eggen and Kauchak (2001), observed that the teachers’ positive attitude are fundamental to effective teaching. The identified a number of teachers’ attitude that will facilitate a caring and supportive classroom environment; they are enthusiasm, caring, firm, democratic practices to promote students’ responsibility and use of time for lesson effectively.
This was why this study was carried out to determine the influence of teachers’ characteristics on the learning of business studies in Secondary Schools.
Teaching being an activity that has to do with an exhibition of certain characteristics of a person, who is involved in it, makes this subheading necessary. The research refers to characteristics as quality or attributes of a teacher. Maduabun (1992) asserted that one mark of a professional teacher is therefore, the knowledge and application of methods of change, the willingness and ability to change human behaviour. It is worthy to note that there must be a push toward the willingness to change human behaviour. This push comes from professional competence.
Eddie (2001) outlined sympathy, care, patience, orderliness to learn and ability to set good example as the qualities of a teacher outside the professional attributes. Ekanem (2003) added hard worth honesty, justices and fairness, self-confidence, dedication good example and resourcefulness. For the purpose of this, attitude of teachers and teachers experiences are considered. Teaching effectiveness manifest when a teacher exhibits some skills while imparting knowledge to the learners.
A lot of students at the secondary school level of education still lack behind in communication still with others. Some of them could not even show good interactive behaviours with other students found in their classes. The deficiencies see among these products of business studies are attributed to teachers teaching in most cases. It is proper approaches background that this study was undertaken to investigate teachers’ characteristics and academic performance of students in business studies.
Teachers’ Characteristics and Academic Performance of Students in Business Studies
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Among the many problems facing the educational system in Nigerian is the poor quality and quantity of professional teachers. A personnel audit carried out by the National Primary Education Commission in (2002) suggested that there was a short fall in the supply of qualified teachers of both the primary and secondary level to the tune of 22% and 8% respectively (Nwideeduh 2003).
The above trend results in recruiting individuals with little or no qualified characteristics into teaching profession. Joshua (2009) and Akiabote (2007) has examined not only on the effectiveness and efficiency of the teachers but also the willingness and readiness of the learners to imbibe the knowledge, skill and precepts taught by such teachers.
Lack of professionalism among most of the teachers had resulted in a display of behaviour that discourages the students from learning under them. These days, most teachers exhibits poor teacher students relationship, leadership, lateness and absenteeism from work. Lack of mastery of the subject matter etc. has been observed by Isyoku (2006), as being the cause of poor academic performance among students such attitude may be held responsible for the readiness of the students to learn under such teachers. Hence, lack of academic discipline among the students.
Based on the above observation, this study carried out to address the question; does the teachers’ characteristic influence the learning of business studies?