Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students

Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students
Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students

ABSTRACT: This study examined Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Expo-facto design was employed in the study. The population of the study was all the senior secondary two students in all public secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area. The sample size employed in the study were two hundred and ninety-two (292) senior secondary two (ss2) students randomly selected from five (5) sampled out of eleven (11) public secondary schools. Mathematics achievement test were used as the main instrument for data collection.

The t-test statistical method was adopted to analyze the data collected and they were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that, boy and girls do not differ significantly in their learning of mathematics. Type of marriage in the family does not significantly influence the learning of mathematics. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that sex should never be a barrier to study mathematics, rather the watch words should be the interest of the individuals, parent should endeavor to be also academically sound if they have influence their children  academic  performance.

Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students



1.1     Background to the Study

Mathematics is seen by society as the foundation for scientific and technological knowledge that is vital by societies worldwide. Mathematics is a science of number, size and shapes concerned with logical deduction from general areas of all reasoning with a wide application in life. (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009), as cited in Mensah (2013) this does explain, why mathematics is a compulsory subject fro all students who go through primary and secondary education in most counties, mathematics is therefore and important subject at these levels of education in Abak. Mathematics is also used by Universities, Polytechnic and Colleges of Education to select secondary school student for entry into science-based degree programmes, mathematics and statistics and Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E).

The personal characteristics of students such as sex, age and attitude might affect the way a student learns and his/her capacity for learning. Osigale (2031) as cited by (D. Chukwudi, personal communication, 4, July, 2017), opined that, the lack of interest among students towards the study of science discipline subject such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, has also contributed to the poor performance of students and his/her learning. According to John (2014) as cited in (D. Chukwudi, personal communication, 4, July, 2017), certain kinds of students lack of interests in schools precludes their learning as well as the learning of others.

Students’ Characteristics And Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Mathematics as the bed rock of all scientific and Technological advancement is a compulsory subject in secondary education. Mathematics is a human invention, borne out of human mind, a resolve to solve human problems. Thus as a creation of mind, it is concerned primarily with ideas, process and reasoning of all the factors that affect teaching – learning in the educational system of any society, teaching method seem to constitute the primary issue the teaching methods in use in many schools such as lecture methods, demonstration method, and discussion method among seen not to have brought about an effective teaching – learning, and, could have resulted in students ‘poor achievement in WAEC and NECO Examinations’.

Hence, the need to adopt a better teaching method that would positively influence candidates’ achievement especially in mathematics. Therefore, the problem to be investigated in this study posed as questions are: would students improve upon their learning in mathematics if gender choices are made more freely today? What is the relationship between type of marriage in the family on students learning of mathematics?

Originally posted on September 19, 2021 @ 10:58 pm

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.