ABSTRACT: The study aimed at examining the Availability Of Computer Systems And Their Accessories For Effective Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science In Secondary Schools. Two research questions were raised in order to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of forty-five (45) computer studies teachers and two thousand five hundred and thirty-two (2,532) senior secondary two (SS2) students in all the public secondary schools in Etinan Local Government Area. Five schools were sampled using simple random sampling technique. A random selection of fifteen (15) computer studies teachers and eighty-five (85) senior secondary two (SS2) students make up one hundred (100) respondents which formed the sample size for the study.
Instruments used for the collection of data in the study were a checklist and questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage (%). Result indicates that availability of computer systems and their accessories affect the teaching and learning of computer studies in secondary schools in Etinan Local Government Area. It is recommended among others that, government should provide schools with a steady power supply for the effective utilization of computers and their accessories.
Availability Of Computer Systems And Their Accessories For Effective Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science In Secondary Schools
1.1 Background to the Study
The importance of computer in the teaching and learning process cannot be over-emphasized; computer as a veritable tool and bedrock of information and communication technology (ICT) has influenced the teaching and learning of computer positively. Effective teaching/learning of computer studies depends greatly on the extent of availability of computer systems and their accessories (Aneke, 2005) Journal of educational research 3. (1). 42-43.
Computer is an integral part of ICT. It is a technology that has made the word a global village. It has revolutionalised responds to specific sets of instruction in a well-defined manner even in education aspect.
Computer uses multi-electronic resources to collect, process, store, retrieve transmit and disseminate information all aspects of human endeavor. The introduction of computer into the educational system has had obvious impact in the curriculum. Computers are useful in teaching and learning because of implications of reality, it makes the work easier. For example, computers are used in making classifications and understanding of complex concepts in different subjects. Computer help students learn better by enhancing their learning environment and increasing learning resources. Ochoy and Ukwumenu (2011), maintained that computers have capacity to produce higher interactive potentials for users to develop individual intellectual and creative ability.
The evolution of microcomputers in the classroom had been influenced by many factors. Candau, Santos and Sanchez (2013) observed that teachers are the critical link in achieving effective computer technology integration in schools. Many teachers agree that the use of computer technology enhances teaching and learning when computer systems are available while the uses of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) is prolific in most teachers with regards to their perception and the roles they should play as they cope with this emergent technology. Wabala (2012), Fakeye (2011) stressed that beginners and experienced teachers can benefit from the role that computers play; beginners can access a wealth of teaching resources while old teachers can share their knowledge with those who seek for it.
The need for availability and utilization of computer resources in teaching and learning situation is on the increase. Computer literacy are skills needed in the 21st Century classrooms and outside the classroom. It goes beyond reading computer books, e-books and pamphlets and even online library materials. According to Aneke, accessories are those devices which are useful and helpful to the operation of computer. Examples of computer accessories are keyboard, scanner, printer, mouse, joystick, projector, gamepad, microphone, remotes, speakers, desktop, among others these accessories add additional functions to computer, projector has replaced the position of chalkboard and teachers now have the ability to share notes digital. The uses of computer in schools also led to the expansion of virtual school program that all students should access their educational remotely.
Availability Of Computer Systems And Their Accessories For Effective Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science In Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There are many challenges that hinder the process of using computer in the classroom. However, when effectively used computers have a dramatic effect on teachers and learners as concluded by (Reid & Rushton, 2011). Where computers are not used effectively they do not add value to teaching and learning. The role played by computer in the teaching of computer science in secondary schools is not obvious.
Candau, Santus & Sanchez (2013), observes that teachers are the critical link in achieving effective computer technology integration in schools. Positive teacher attitude encourage the use of computers while a negative one hinders their use in the teaching and learning environment. The researcher therefore sought to reveal whether it is worthwhile using computers in teaching and learning of computer science where they are available and accessible to teachers and learners.
For the purpose of this work, the researcher has put few questions to enable her set information on the course of the investigation. Why are there less computer systems in the computer laboratories in schools? Why is it that the accessories are not available to teachers and learners in schools? Do teachers and learners use computer systems/accessories for teaching and learning of computer science in secondary schools?
Originally posted on September 21, 2021 @ 2:00 pm