Abstract: This study was to examine School Variable Factors and Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Essein Udim Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. In order to achieve these objectives, these research hypotheses were formulated for the study; it was achieved that this study could be useful to educational body, communities’ teachers, government organization, a detail literature was obtained and the review was aimed at developing appreciation on the previous study done in this area. Instrument used were Economics Achievement Test (EAT) for the collection of data from the students for the study.
The population of the study consisted of all the senior secondary two (SS2) students in all the secondary schools in the study area. A total of one hundred students formed the sample size for the study selected from five (5) selected secondary schools which were randomly selected mean which, all the test scripts administered were duly collected and score recovered for each of the students and the data obtained were subjected to the independent t-test.
School Variable Factors And Students Academic Performance In Secondary Schools
1.1 Background to the Study
For many years, educationist and researcher have, debated which school variables improve student’s achievement. As policy makers become more involved in school reform, this question takes on new importance since many initiatives rely on presumed relationship between various education, related factors and learning outcome. Some research has suggested that school bring little influence to bear upon a child’s achievement that is dependent of his/her background and general social content, Coleman (2000).
Other evidences suggest that factors like class size, location of school, school type, school size, teacher’s variable and other school variable may play an important role in what students learn. Glass and Smith (2000). Despite conventional wisdom that school input make little difference in students learning, a group of body of research suggest that school can make difference and a substantial portion of that difference is attributable to other factors mentioned above.
School facilities are school equipment and materials used in facilitating the teaching learning process. An effective school facility is responsive to the changing programs of educational delivery, and at a minimum should provide a physical environment that is comfortable, safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing. (Bello, 2011). These facilities include, a well equipped library, a well equipped, seats, tables, chalkboard, lighting, charts, maps and computers with internet connection. In the education system, Economics is relevant to other subject areas. Economics is a social science subject relating with subject such as Commerce, Financial Accounting, Social Studies, Political Science etc.
As opined by Bernadette (2002) no national has ever hoped to be self reliant and build a dynamic economy when their people are wallowing in ignorance superstition and abject poverty. The teaching learning process involves an array of interventional process at the center of which are the school and teachers, whose role remains pivotal to the success of educational programmed Ekanem, (2006). Moreso, intelligent is not the only determinant of academic achievement of students.
Academic achievement of students is always associated with the many component of learning environment ought to implement six functions, inform, communicate, collaborate, produce, scaffold and manage. They added that conceptually speaking, the learning environment refer to and the whole range of components and activities within which learning happens. According to Grant (2005), school buildings should be a suitable building furnished and well equipped for habitation.
As dilapidating buildings, lacking mental stimulating facilities that are characterized with low or no seating arrangement will also be destructive to students academic achievement. However, Marsden (2005) opined that the extent to which students learning could be enhanced depends on certain factors (school variable) such as school facilities, school location, class size and school type. It is believed that a well planned school with these variables will gear up expected outcomes of education that will facilitate good social, political and economic emancipation, effective teaching and learning process and academic performance of students in Economics in senior secondary schools.
School Variable Factors And Students Academic Performance In Secondary Schools
1.2 Statement of the Problem
No two schools are alike just like people within them, have different characteristics. The issue of poor academic performance of students in Economics has been of much that it has led to the widely talk about standard of education in Essien Udim Local Government Area in particular and Akwa Ibom State at large. Learning Economics and other social science subject can occur through school differences.
School differences include the location in school, class size, school type, teacher, libraries, school management, teaching method and so on. Also, the researcher observe that there has been mass failure in Economics among secondary school students over the years. This leads to low enrolment in Economics, related courses such as Social Studies, Financial Accounting, Political Science etc. in our universities, polytechnics and colleges of education. It is therefore based on these conditions that the researcher seeks to find out whether school variable such as the school location, class size and school type could be responsible for these poor outing among students in Economics with a view to making recommendation base on researcher findings on the issue.