Impact of Western Television Programmes on the Cultural Values of Nigerian Youths
This study examined the Impact of Western Television Programmes on the Cultural Values of Nigerian Youths. In the course of this study it was observed that after the independence across the continents, one of the major preoccupations African leaders had to contest with it in the quest to restore of African cultures in their original forms since it was strongly polluted, collapsed and bastardized by the colonial masters during their reign and until this moment through their programmes was cultural values. No doubt, youths in general are vital instruments of the society that could be used to promote African culture. But unfortunately the mentality and life style of youths found in the present day if African societies have been affected by exposure to negative programmes to an extent that rather than promoting African culture, they have become hardened Acolytes and promoters of Western cultures.
The researcher adopts survey and interprets research methodologies and scholarly present issues involved in the study. Conclusively, the study ended by recommending the way forward, towards the restoration and promotion of African culture as it affects the Nigerian Youths in particular. To this end, the researcher recommend that Nigerian government should pay more attention to the promotion of positive Nigerian culture through television programmes as such action will encourage the youths to develop more interest in promoting and preserving the positive aspect of the Nigerian.
Impact of Western Television Programmes on the Cultural Values of Nigerian Youths
1.1 Background to the Study
Western programmes, according to Justus Barnes, is a genre of various parts, such as comics, fiction, film, games, radios and television. Westerners are devoted to telling stories set primarily in the latter half of the 19th century in the American Old West, hence the name.
Many feature American Indian bandits, cowboys, lawmen, outlaws and soldiers. Some are set in the American colonial era.
The last ten years have witness privatization and commercialization of the broadcast media. It has witnessed the most pervasive period of foreign television progreamme and films into Nigeria. The foreign television progrmammes states and Western Europe and even when they are not from these places as the case with soap operas from Mexico, they are only local variations of international capitalism.
American made programs particularly are seen in practically every country. There is no question that one of the more remarkable phenomena on the 21st century is the wide spread diffusion and accompanying popularity of American films and television entertainment programmes throughout the world.
In Nigeria as exemplified by trends in Enugu metropolis where, western exports of television entertainment shown in NTA Enugu, ESBSTV, Miniaj Systems Channels, MGM, Cartoon Network, CNN International, TNT Classical Movies ESPN- (Expanded Sports Programme Network) channels provided by various satellite transmission separators as DSTV multi choice, music television, Euro sport etc. I am aware that the inclusion of NTA Enugu and ESBE in course of foreign television programmes which have been documented to be viewed most, by youths, expose youths to foreign cultures. Such programmes are, “Our Generation” is show on NTA Enugu while “Youth perspective” as shown on SEBS. The two programmes are presented by youth and are regrettably replete with music video of western origin dominated by rap stars as Big Rowland Kell, Sean Paul, 50 Cent etc.
It is my believe that western television especially American Television exports is conscious/strategic. “Weapon” aimed at subduing the cultural valves of less developed countries.
Impact of Western Television Programmes on the Cultural Values of Nigerian Youths
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It is observed that the average Nigeria youths is eager to be associated with the developed nations, the Europe and North American. He/she “thinks” Western while earnestly hoping that one day he/she will be in the white world. Many Nigerian youths either talk or dress like Americans. They appear to see everything America western in a positive light at the expense of Local cultures, norms and values.
Nigeria university students have low set of brainwashed youths who think more of the transient and canal ideas of western cultures, rather than their own. This has led top increase in the rate of violence, rape, weird dressing, drug addiction, excessive desire for foreign products, sexual perversion unpatriotic, burning desire to migrate to the U.S and Western European countries etc. All of which have tremendous negative effects on our bid for national development.
There is an erosion of cultural values, the imitation of western cultures especially the American cultures, brainwashing Nigerian youths due to mode of dressing and manner of speaking etc. For the reasons, the researcher intends to discover the extent of damages caused by western television programmes to Nigerian culture and to proffer formed solution to these problems.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The general objective of this study was to:
(i) To Examine why Nigerian youths expose themselves more to western Television Programmes.
(ii) To find out why Nigerian youths identify with foreign movie stars as their role models more than local movie stars.
(iii) To trace why Nigerian youths prefer western programmes to locally produced programmes.
1.4 Research Question
The following questions will serve as a guide to the study:
- Why do Nigerian Youths expose themselves more to western programmes than Nigerian prorgammes?
- Why do Nigerian youths identify more with local or foreign movie stars as their role models?
- Why do Nigerian youths prefer western programmes to locally produced programmes?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study is very timely, especially today that all hands are on deck to enhance the development and the growth of Nigerian culture. This study which attempts an investigation into the impact of western television programmes on the cultural values of the Nigerian youths will help in possible diction domination and finally absorption of the Nigeria culture which until the present has been characterized with good Neighbour lines, respect for elders, virtuous community orientation and collectivism. It will enable the government and policy makers to put adequate measures in place to check the movement of western television programmes into Nigerian.
- It will help remove the idea of imitating western cultures and ways of life from Nigeria.
- It will also make Nigerian Youths appreciate and promote their cultural values.
- It will equally encourage Nigerian Television programmes producers to project African values through programmes.
- The study will help and empower the Nigerian youths to watch the western television programmes with a critical mind.
- Also, the study will encourage the Nigeria media in general on the need to promote television programmes of African cultures in their various programmes.
- Future researchers will find this material as reference point where they can take a clue into the researcher related to this concept. Lastly, without doubt this research will contribute to the bulk material available into the academic field.
1.6 Delimitation of the Study
This research work titled “The Impact of Western Television Programmes on the Cultural Values of the Nigerian youths”. Since the research cannot talk about all the western television Programmes. The reason why the researcher chooses” Children in Mbiaso community” is because of the negative impact that the programmes created in the mind of the Nigerians who happened to watch western television programmes.
This study will therefore help on the negative aspect of these western television programmes while also promoting and reemphasizing the need for change.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
It is not an over statement that a work of this nature cannot be carried out without some hard experience. However, below are some of the constraints faced by the researcher while carrying out this work:
- Stress from other academic activities is one of the lamination to this research work
- Also, the researcher was highly constrained financially especially when money was needed for the research material/work.
- In additions, the time frame for the research work was relatively short.
- Finally, the materials available on this topic are relatively limited due to the system of the government
1.8 Definitions of Terms
- Youth: For the purpose of this study, youth is defined as students in various universities in Nigeria and who fall between the ages of 16 and 30.
- Media: Media is operational in this study, which refers to television broadcast which are available to viewers in Nigeria.
- Cultural Identity: Cultural identity is operationally defined as those commonly shared socio-political interpretations and meaning related to the beliefs, norms values, attitudes, and behaviours within Nigerians.
- Neo-Colonialism: This refers to nations of neocolonialism based on a policy and practice that have the effect of dominating the culture and affairs of less developed countries
- Imperialism: The use of economy or political pressure by powerful countries to control or influence other countries.