ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine The Roles of Parent Teachers Association in the Development of Secondary Schools. It was specifically designed to investigate the influence of some variables such as: the roles of PTA, parental involvement, PTA intervention in schools development. The population of the study consisted of four hundred and two (402) teachers in the 12 public secondary schools. A sample size of forty (40) respondents were drawn from eight (8) public secondary schools in the study area. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire of twelve (12) items; the questionnaire was titled “Parent-Teachers Association and Development of Secondary Schools” (PTADSS).
Simple statistical method was adopted to analyze the data collected. The findings revealed that there is significant relationship between Parents-Teachers Association and schools development. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations was made among others that; PTA should continue to be involved in financing school programmes not by just providing needed funds but by ensuring the judicious utilization of the funds towards quality in the school system. However, suggestions for further studies were also made.
The Roles of Parent Teachers Association in the Development of Secondary Schools
1.1 Background of the Study
The act of passing on knowledge from one generation to the other is the role of the parents. The parents are more effective in imparting discipline and knowledge to students at the very grass roof level (Jackson and Davis 2000). It is therefore a knowledge that all parents have the natural inclination to give their children the good things of life, they are capable of providing for them, and in the modern age, the major task is on the provision of quality education and good standard of living. In the light of this parents have developed a very positive interest in what goes on in schools. It is this interest of parents in the education of their children and wards in schools that give birth to the organization or formation called Parents Teachers Association.
Society depends on the school to produce well adjusted individuals who can fit properly into the environment. The school system requires quality human, material and financial resources for moulding the individuals (Abdulkareen, 2006) secondary school, as intermediary between primary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004) are statutorily charged with the responsibility of producing. Candidates for the universities and other tertiary institution. According to Opadokun (2004), the role of secondary education in the overall educational process cannot be underscored. This probably explains why stakeholders, especially parents and teachers are apply concerned about quality assurance in the school system.
In fact, quality assurance in the secondary school system aims at efficient mobilization and utilization of the available resource, to achieve school goals. Similarly, improving the quality of education is probably the most tasks facing any educational institution all over the world. In fact as observed by Zobarda (2001), quality of education has a significant impact on, and contribution to human development. Hence, there is need for stakeholder to intervene in effective management of education and educational institution.
Abdullabi (2006) argued, that in the 1960s when schools were not many in Nigeria, government was able to effectively fund education and only few Parents Teachers Association (PTA) existed. However, with the advent of numerous problems in the education sector, it became necessary for most of the school to have PTA to assist in solving problems of the schools.
Parents Teachers Association is a democratic Organization which attempts to bring parents and teachers together in the interest of the children. It is the link of communication on school matters between the teachers and parents. According to Onlyangi (2008), the meeting of this body serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas between teachers and parents about school programmes towards the smooth running of the school and the achievement of the goals of the schools.
Abdullahic (2006) highlighted some aims and objective of PTA in Nigeria to include; provision of platform for parents guardians, sponsors, and teachers of students of Nigeria primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions to meet, exchange views deeply, analyze, issues, make recommendations take and effectively pursue implementation of decision on matters affecting education in Nigeria with appropriate agencies. Co-operating with and support morally and financially various government and agencies of education to achieve high standard of academic performance, discipline, morality service and integrity in Nigeria schools.
1.2 Statement of Problem
As educators struggle the use of every resource to improve students’ performance, it is increasingly important that they establish and maintain high level of parent’s involvement in their schools. Although parents involvement at the elementary school level has been studies extensively, more researches needed to determine why there is a decrease of involvement as the child advances to higher grades (Smith 2001).
The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of the factors that significantly affect the level of parents’ involvement during the middle-school fears. It is likely that there are lacks of school facilities; it could be due to storage of manpower which may involve PTA negotiation. Again, it may be as a result of inadequate provision of school material for students. All these problem attract the intervention of the PTA, it is probably whether PTA actually acts to assist school in matters relating to day to day running of schools it is against this that study will examine the role of PTA in the development of schools in the study area.
The Roles of Parent Teachers Association in the Development of Secondary Schools
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
The place of parent teacher association in the administration of secondary schools is of great importance. Quite very often, people attribute the success of most secondary schools management to the existence of strong PTA organization in school
This study is therefore significant in the sense that, it will throw more light on what the students’ teachers’ principle and the general public perceived to be the place of PTA in the administrative machinery of secondary school. Again, as a result of its contribution the principal might see their shot comings and get involved in a more effective approach in school administration.
The result of the study may provide reliable information on the nature of principals leadership in schools to school board of education (State and Local) from this, they may redefine the policy on which subsequent school administration policies will be formulated.
Therefore, this would enhance effective teaching/learning and administration in our secondary schools other researchers might find the study useful particularly the functions of PTA in school administration discipline.