Distinguish Between Brain Storm and Play Way Methods of Teaching
Brainstorming is creative idea generation technique. It is also a problem solving technique. This technique provides free environment to present individual ideas, without attracting criticism from any one. Every generated idea is recorded and considered as solution to a problem. Brainstorming is problem-solving technique. It shows collective creative power of group of people. It is group productivity. This is used to find out large number of ideas in shorter time to solve the problem. This is accepted as one of the tool in quality management. It is useful to generate a large number of ideas about a problem. Brainstorming provides an environment free of criticism for creative and free exploration of options and ideas to solve problem.
The brainstorming has variety of popular meanings. Sometimes it is called a casual discussion for new ideas. Some people believe that the term brainstorming is universal treatment of creative problem solving technique. According to Alex Obsorn – Brainstorming is a tool for maximizing a group’s creativity in problem solving. It is a conference technique by which a group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the ideas spontaneously from its members.
Play-way method of learning is a complete package that enables overall development of the child by developing in terms of feelings, intellect and skills parameters.
It not only focuses on subjective development but the emotional development of the child as well. In this method of learning, playing acts as the driving force as the entire learning method revolves around activity-based learning. It encourages expression and creative skills among children.
The play way method of teaching is one of the newest trends in the field of education. It refers to the wholesome progress of a child. It is done in reference to the various areas, such as feelings, emotions, knowledge and motor skill development. This style of teaching concentrates on both kinds of development of a child – subjective as well as emotional.
In this method of teaching, playing games or sports is very important. This whole methodology is driven by the technique that moves around activity-based learning. The process of play-way method of teaching even promotes and helps build creativity and expressive skills among young kids.
Brain-storming teaching method is an intellectual activity. While, play-way teaching method makes learning easy and pleasurable.
- In brain-storming teaching method is maximum or all students can participate. While, in play-way teaching method each child is given identical opportunities for participation.
- In brain-storming teaching method each student gives their personal view/ideas. While, play-way teaching method develops not only knowledge but also abilities
- Brain-storming teaching method involves divergent thinking. While, play-way teaching method brings satisfaction at the intellectual level. It creates an aptitude learning environment.