ABSTRACT: This study investigated the Effects of Web Base Resources on Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools. Research questions and hypotheses were formulated for the findings of the study. The study adopted a survey research design and made use of a simple random sampling technique to select a total of 100 students for the findings of the study. Two (2) instruments (Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and questionnaire) were used for data collection. The test scores were analyzed using independent t-test method; and the result showed that all the calculated t-values were greater than the critical t-values. This resulted to the nullification of the null hypotheses 1 and 2 which implies that web base resources significantly affect the teaching of biology in secondary schools. Some recommendations were made among others that teachers should ensure that students are well exposed to the use of web based resources to boost their pace of learning and skills acquisition as well as students’ academic performance.
1.1 Background of the Study
Web based resources is a hypermedia-based program which utilizes the attributes and resources of the world wide web to create a meaningful learning environment where learning is fostered and supported. Web based tools like personal computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices are currently widely used throughout the world by people of all ages. Secondary school students are generations that have been online since a young age and in these condition the classroom must inevitably change and teachers must take advantage of these abilities of their students. It does not mean that computers can replace teachers, but they can have specific uses in a classroom or laboratory and may be successfully integrated in teaching and learning processes. The use of computer enables teachers not only to visualize and explain some processes, phenomenon or practical application, but also guide students in internet search and useful information selection, graphing and not at last, in word processing.
Furthermore, the use of computer allows teachers to integrate the multiple intelligence theory in their classroom assuring the participation of the biggest part of the students to the lesson. The low interest and motivation of secondary school students in learning of Biology and other natural sciences is already well known (Fensham, 2006). There are some published data revealing computer assisted instruction and the use of the new technologies in Biology classroom contributed to the change of the attitude of students toward sciences (Sternberg, 2006) to the increase of retention of information and the ability of the students to solve problems (Huppert, 2002).
Information are delivered through web based tools like computers using the internet, making it capable of instant updating, distributing, and sharing of information (Rosenberg, 2001). Activities like online forums, chats, mailing list, and web-quest are used to enhance teaching of Biology on the web. The outcome may include effective interaction, feedback, knowledge and skills transfer to facilitate learning. Web based instruction is one of the alternative strategies to education that uses computer resources for effective delivery of teaching web based resources provide integrated environments of various technologies to support diverse educators’ needs through the internet. The goal of these resources is to enhance face to face instruction and to deliver distance learning courses. Web-based tools allow one to carry out task online that is, learning activities are done on a web browser and no separate download or installation of other software is required (Kilby, 2008). All the teaching/learning activities are accessible from anywhere where there is internet connection.
Therefore, the place of web based resources in the delivery of instruction as an alternative to conventional method to education cannot be over emphasized. As the number of participants in education continues to increase, so does the importance of providing effective instruction that focuses on the needs of learner increases. Successful web-based teaching/learning believed to revolve around learner-centered system of instruction designed to meet the needs of individual learners. It against this background that the study sought to investigate on The Effects of Web Base Resources on Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Nowadays, Biology teachers and parents have expressed considerable concern about students’ poor performance in Biology during terminal examinations and having low pass in the final West African examination council (WAEC). It is ascertained that mode of teaching can affect the learners. The following have been outlined as part of the problems; Non availability of web based resources and poor utilization of web based resources. It therefore becomes necessary to elicit response from students and teachers themselves on what they feel are the cause of poor teaching is Biology (especially with regards to web based resources). The effective teaching and learning of science entails optimum utilization, careful use of and application of learning resources adequate funding, sufficient and qualified teaching staff, enough laboratory personnel and willingness of the learners to learn.
However, opportunities for realizing the benefits of using web based resources utilization in teaching of Biology face a number of challenges in schools in Ikono Local Government Area. Mobile phone uses for teaching for primary, secondary and tertiary institution in Ikono is highly limited. Availability, accessibility and utilization of web based resources are the major challenges facing most secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State as a whole and Ikono Local Government Area in particular. With a ratio of one computer to 150 students against the ratio of 1:15 in the developed countries Uke (2009) it is against that this background that this study seeks to study the Effects of Web Base Resources on Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of web based resources utilization on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ikono local Government Area. Specifically, the study seeks to;
- To access the availability of web-based resources among Biology teachers in secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
- To examine the extent to which the utilization of personal computer (laptops) enhances the teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
- To assess the extent to which the utilization of smart phones enhance the teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The outcome of this study would be of immense benefit to the following people; Students, Parents, Educational Administrators and Teachers.
- It will benefit the teachers in realizing the importance of web-based resources utilization in teaching of Biology.
- The students themselves would realize the need of using web-based resources in their learning processes.
- The school authority would benefit from these findings, this is because by the time it is known that web-based resources utilization enhances good teaching, the teachers will be encourage to use them.
- The government will benefit from these findings by realizing the importance of web-based resources utilization in the effective teaching of Biology.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research questions will be formulated to guide the study:
- What is the level of availability of web-based resources for teaching Biology in secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area
- To what extent does the utilization of laptops enhance the teaching of Biology in Ikono Local Government Area
- To what extent does the utilization of smart phones enhance the teaching of Biology in Ikono Local Government Area
1.6 Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were postulated to guide the study;
- There is no significant influence of the used of laptops on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
- There is no significant influence of the use of smart phones on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The major problem encountered during my research work was finance. The study intended to cover all the secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State but due to financial constraints, the study was limited to only selected secondary schools in Ikono Local Government Area.
Another serious limitation to this research project was time factor since I had to carry out the project and other academic activities simultaneously within the stipulated period of the semester, it was not easy.
1.8 Delimitation of the Study
The study was delimited to web-based resources utilization and Biology teaching in selected secondary schools in the study area using Biology teachers in SSII as a target audience.
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
Biology: it is the study of life in other word, It is the science that study living and non-living organism.
Teaching: This is the act, practice, Occupation or Profession of a teacher that involves instructing the students through impacting knowledge or skill in them.
Utilization: This refers to the application and usability of the available materials in the teaching of Biology.
Web-Based Resources: These resources is a hypermedia-based program which utilizes the attributes and resources of the worldwide web to create a meaningful learning environment where learning is fostered.