Need For the Introduction of Sexuality Education in Junior Secondary Schools

Need For the Introduction of Sexuality Education in Junior Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine the Need For the Introduction of Sexuality Education in Junior Secondary Schools in Uruan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study comprised of all junior secondary school students in nine (9) public schools in the study area numbering about 2,642 students, 200 students was from five (5) selected schools to form a sample size through random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the major instrument for the study. Simple percentage was the method of the data, the result indicate that the need for the introduction of sexuality education in junior secondary school. Finally, it was recommended that proper information should be given to the students in order to form good aptitude and belief towards sex.       

Need For the Introduction of Sexuality Education in Junior Secondary Schools



1.1     Background to the study

Sex education which is sometimes called “sexuality education or relationship education is the process of acquiring information and forming attitude and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationship and intimacy. Sex education is also about developing young people’s skills so that they make informal choices about their behaviour, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices. It is widely accepted that people have a right to sex education. This is because it is a means by which they are helped to protect themselves against abuse, exploitations, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease. Providing an effective sex education helps to meet young people’s rights to information about matters that affect them, their right to have their needs and help them enjoy their sexuality and the relationships that they form (Kem and Ward, 2007).

Akerele (2004) noted that comprehensive sex education curricular has been endorsed by various governmental agencies, educational organizations and teenage advocacy groups as the most effective educational method for reducing teenage pregnancy and help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among students. Numerous surveys have suggested increased sexual experimentation by increasing numbers of teenagers at younger ages each year often, the outcome of this behaviour can have adverse consequences such as unplanned pregnancy and sexually acquired infection.

Basaic (2003) added that sex education that works also help equip young people with the skills to be able to differentiate between accurate and inaccurate information and to discuss a range of moral and social issues and perspectives on sex and sexuality, including different cultural attitudes and sensitive issues like sexuality abortion and contraception.

Akerele (2004) wrote that sex problem have had a very devastating affection individual in our society. Some people have wrong idea about sex education. This is not surprising considering the fact that many old people have their respective point of view about life. In a society where boys and girls are admitted into the same school creates problem of physical problem and emotional involvement, which eventually results in arousing sexuality. This anxiety created in them makes them jump into this game of uncontrollable emotions (Afift, 2008). 

With the greater freedom of discussion of sex education in our society and the early maturity of children today, one would consider the introduction of sex education to our teenagers too early, the introduction of proper sex education to our youth or teenagers reduce many of the society problems that are facing us. Correct and relevant information should be given to teenagers about the changes and development they observe in their bodies during the period of maturity. The girls develop breast and pelvic bone broaden etc. These starts about the age of twelve years (12) while the boys sexual organs mature, their chest widens and their larynx enlarges. This period in teenagers is very crucial in the life of an individual and many frustrations may occur during this stage such as school dropout, sexual immorality, juvenile delinquencies to mention but a few, (Christopher, 2008). It is on this note that the researcher attempts a justification for the conclusion of sexuality education in junior secondary school in Uruan local government area.

1.2     Statement of the problem

The study intends to emphasize the need for the introduction of sex education into junior secondary schools and also to investigate, if sex education has positive or negative effect on students. Ignorance sex and its problem is prevalent among junior secondary school students in Uruan local government area. The lives of students are shattered with the passing of incorrect information among themselves, they get misled by others. Young people regard sex education as a fun rather than what it really is. They see it as a person and private affairs of the participant which is not really about sex education.

The problem resulting from the lack of sex education in our youths is numerous. They are unwanted pregnancies, increase in abortion, incoherence of sexual transmitted disease and high rate of sexually promiscuity.  All these have led to inability to concentrate, poor school performance, rate of school dropout, increase in illiteracy and over population.

Consequently, the educational opportunity of Nigerian youth is greatly affected and these posses a great lost on the society. To behavioural scientists, the introduction of sex education is proper despite the increasing sexual problems, parents and schools are still not providing teenagers with proper knowledge of sex education. Many administrations have been greatly worried about the appropriate level at which sec education can be introduced. Who should teach sex education, what to teach and who to teach? It should however be realized that sex education is properly given does not arouse curiosity but exactly the opposite to young people. The misinformation secrete misinterpretation and tables about sex functions lead to dangerous consequences, therefore, information about sex education teaches and give insight  understanding of sex functions.

1.3      Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study was to investigate the need for the introduction of sex education into junior secondary schools Uruan Local government Area, specifically the study aim at;

  1. Identifying the negative impact of ignorance of sexuality education on junior secondary school students.
  2. Highlighting the importance of sexuality education to junior secondary school students.
  3. Finding out parents attitude towards introduction of sex education to student in junior secondary students.


Need For the Introduction of Sexuality Education in Junior Secondary Schools

1.4     Significance of the Study        

  1. To students, this study will enable them to know the positive and negative effect, how sexual problem influence students. Also knowing the benefit it has on students and the society at large.
  2. Educational administrators: This study will open the eyes of the teachers and curriculum planners to know the importance of sex education as a course to be introduced with the curriculum so as to enlighten the teenagers and the society at large.
  3. The outcome of this research programme; it will enable the readers to identify the need for teaching sex education in junior secondary school. It is hoped that through the findings, the various misconceptions on the issue of female sex education will be corrected. 
  4. Finally, solving the issue of sex education teaching in junior secondary schools will go a long way in improving on the health of every individual or student school performances, population growth and therefore improve the standard of living in the society.

Originally posted on October 3, 2021 @ 11:39 pm

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Peter Hezekiah Lawson (Sir Pee). The CEO of A reputable researcher, Web Developer, ICT Instructor and a publisher of many research works in Education.