ABSTRACT: This study focused on the Effect of Enhanced Welfare Package on Employee’s Morale and Performance in Investment and Security Tribunal Abuja Nigeria. The main problem was to establish a relationship between welfare packages and job productivity and to find out how this affects the living conditions of workers. The study attempted a historical survey into the concept of motivation and empirical studies of welfare and job performance. In order to achieve the aim of this study, 50 workers were randomly selected from the 5 major sections of the unit. The questionnaires drawn for the purpose of this research was used to collect data and information for this study. After the administration and collection of the questionnaires, the scores were assembled in order to test the stated hypothesis. The data was then analyzed using the chi-square test. The analysis led to the following findings: welfare packages affects job productivity rates.
Effect of Enhanced Welfare Package on Employee’s Morale and Performance in Investment and Security Tribunal Abuja Nigeria
All 50 respondents agreed that welfare benefits in the organization will increase job productivity/ efficiency rates. 47 respondents say provision of loans will improve their job productivity rates. 70% of respondents agreed that the available welfare packages are inadequate and that they are not adequately compensated for the work done. By implication, self esteem/recognition of one’s worth along with good compensation helps to motivate workers to greater job performance. These results also proved that improved working conditions affect the living conditions to a large extent.
Economic growth and the increased pace of urbanization and industrialization in many countries have confronted companies throughout the world with the increasing complex task of people management (Serageldin 1998)
This is as a result of man’s bid for self improvement and capacity development through processes like changes in his career choices, job migration patterns, and educational advancement.
In the 2011 United Nations Development Project Human Development Report Indices, Nigeria and other sub-Saharan African regions scored low on sustainability/equity of social welfare plans (Thisday newspaper 2011)
According to this report, there was the need to implement social welfare/responsibility plans that would complement government’s efforts on infrastructural and human development. In line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, this would provide a basis for the integration of human development projects across the countries and regions.
The United Nations Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki-Moon in this report further urged Nigerian leaders and other member countries to correspond to the people’s calls for the right to build a better future for themselves.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary 2000 defines welfare as a state of wellbeing, happiness, health, and prosperity of a person or group of people. It also defined it as a system whereby the state/industry undertakes to protect the health and wellbeing of its citizens especially those in financial or social needs by means of grants, pensions, benefits, health, unemployment funds, asylum projects etc.
The primary aim of a manager is the effective and efficient managing of staff wherein they put in their best in order to attain organizational goals.
This process is both reactive and proactive, i.e the staff achieves organizational goals while being developed and trained with basic life skills for enhanced capital development (Acheaw 2011).
The United Nations Declaration on the right to development states ‘ development is a right and puts people at the centre of any development process i.e. people must be helped to enjoy lives of dignity, equality and opportunity. This document adopted by the General Assembly on the 4th of December 1986 declares that ‘everyone is entitled to participate in, contribute to and enjoy economic, social and political development in which all human rights and fundamental freedom can be realized. (www.undp.org)
Effect of Enhanced Welfare Package on Employee’s Morale and Performance in Investment and Security Tribunal Abuja Nigeria
For any organization to function effectively, money, physical facilities, well thought policies, equipments and human inputs are very essential.
Since human capital are the lifeblood of any organization, it therefore depends to a large extent on the quality of those who perform its task leading to set objectives as well as conditions which affect their mental and physical health. Most organizations to a large extent recognize the fact that to ensure organizational efficiency and effectiveness, the employees whose services are engaged should be made to be satisfied with their jobs, to this end various welfare packages should be employed to ensure the attainment of organizational goals.
The concern therefore is in enhancing job productivity/ efficiency rates of the workers on a permanently improved basis through the process of welfare packages.